1. Go to Windows Settings > Bluetooth & devices
2. Find "Bluetooth devices discovery"
3. Select "Advanced"
4. This allows detecting all Bluetooth device types, including SXBlueGPS This configuration is required since Windows 11 by default only shows common accessories in Bluetooth search.
If your GPS unit does not receive a signal and the front LEDs are off, it is possible to fix the error by following
the instructions in the video below, you will need to install the pocketmax4 software on your PC and use
a USB or serial cable to connect the GPS to the PC.
USB: https://vimeo.com/471096499
Pocketmax4 Download Link here
Drivers Download Link Here
You must first install the 32-bit driver and then the 64-bit driver.
Please verify that the antenna and cable are well connected and not damaged, to verify it is necessaryto be in an uncovered area. If you do not have a USB cable, you can try the connection via Bluetooth
with pocketmax4 as shown in the video below.
Bluetooth: https://vimeo.com/601283417At the end of the process described in the video, your GPS should pick up a signal.
Problems are likely to fall within one of the following categories: power, communication, configuration, GPS reception and performance, SBAS reception and performance, external corrections and installation. If a problem persists, please consider contacting your dealer first. Here is a full list of our dealers worldwide. Geneq Technical Support is available during normal business hours (8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday to Friday) at:
Tel +1-514-354-2511
e-mail: support@geneq.com
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The second LED closest to the red power LED is the GPS indicator. If this is turned off, the receiver is not tracking satellites. If the Yellow LED closest to the last blue LED (Bluetooth) is not on, the receiver has not obtained differential LOCK.
If there are any obstructions (trees, buildings, …) move the antenna in clear view of the sky and horizon. You may be experiencing a temporary satellite orbit misalignment. In this case the only thing to do is wait until more satellites are in view of the receiver. Link to an independant study on how SXblue receivers are dealing with trees foliage.
It is most likely a problem with your battery or the power source of your receiver.
• Confirm your power adapter is still working.
• Try to power your receiver into your electrical outlet directly.
• If still no power, contact us.
The “DIFF” LED is the primary indicator that SBAS signal has been acquired and locked. The iSXBlue/SXBlue allows you to request the output of the $RD1 message that contains the SBAS bit error rate (BER) for both receiver channels. The BER value describes the rate of errors received from SBAS. Ideally, this should be zero; however, the iSXBlue/SXBlue should provide good performance up to a 150 BER. The PocketMAX utility discussed in the PocketMAX Manual is a useful tool that provides this information without needing to use NMEA commands.
• Examine the SXBlue cables and connectors for signs of damage.
• Ensure that you have adequate battery charge.
• Check the documentation of the receiving device, if using RS-232, to ensure that the transmit line from the SXBlue is connected to the receive line of the other device.• Ensure that the signal grounds are connected.
• If using the USB connection, make sure drivers are installed on the computer.
• If the iSXBlue/SXBlue is connected to a custom or special device, ensure that the serial connection to it does not have any incompatible signal lines present that may not allow either to communicate properly.
• Try using the Serial port for communication as only pins 2, 3, and 5, which are the only pins required for communication, are connected.
• Make sure that the baud rate of the SXBlue matches the other device.
• The other device must also support an 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, and no parity port configuration (8-N-1). Some devices support different settings that may be user-configurable.
• Ensure that the settings match.
• Consult the troubleshooting section of the other devices reference manual to determine if there may be a problem with that equipment.The best way to tell if your receiver has Diff is to look at the status LEDs. If the 2nd to last yellow LED light is solid, the receiver has Diff LOCK.
The $JSHOWOn a normal power-up, it should only take the receiver a few minutes (less than 5) to get Diff LOCK. However, if it is the first time a receiver has been powered up in a new region or if the almanac has been reset, it can take up to 30 minutes to acquire Differential Correction.
The “DIFF” LED is the primary indicator that SBAS signal has been acquired and locked. The iSXBlue/SXBlue allows you to request the output of the $RD1 message that contains the SBAS bit error rate (BER) for both receiver channels. The BER value describes the rate of errors received from SBAS. Ideally, this should be zero; however, the iSXBlue/SXBlue should provide good performance up to a 150 BER. The PocketMAX utility discussed in the PocketMAX Manual is a useful tool that provides this information without needing to use NMEA commands.
You will know it as the orange light stays full. You can confirm it by opening Sxblue Config: look at Diff request and Diff used, it should be written “L-Band”.
Some users will be able to detect and connect by Bluetooth to old Windows OS but they won’t be able to get data through. Since some systems don’t prompt a PIN validation, it is not possible to use Bluetooth with these computers. The solution then is to connect physically by cable.
Windows device mobile center is no longer supported by Microsoft on Win10. Follow this procedure to enable it and use it normally.
Few old Bluetooth modules may have to be replaced for compatibility issues with newer OS. If you are unable to detect your device, contact us. If you are able to detect the receiver, your problem is most likely a baud rate issue.
If you see Windows blue screen, please try updating to Win10. If it did not resolve your problem, contact us.
We have seen some Windows 10 taking several minutes to pair BT device (wifi). Be sure you have the last Win10 build versions.
If you get a Windows 10 Update Error 0x80070422, update manually through the Update Assistant. If you have another error, try the Windows’s fix-it tool.
Probably a problem accessing internet.
You can activate mock location in “developer settings”.
We do publish firmware update every few months. A system that was not in use for a time probably needs to get an update. See the product pages of this site to find the last update.
If you are using the internal GPS of the tablet/device, please try to change the running receiver (top right corner) and choose your paired SXblue receiver.
SxPads have limited internal memory but also have micro Sd Cards up to 32Gig. Most of the time, if you try reinstalling on the Sd card, it will work fine.
SxBlue I, II, III, i- and Platinum series: 12345678 G10, F90, Sxblue Premier Series: leave empty
Two series are compatible. The Platinum Series and the i-Series perform very well with all Apple iOS versions after 8.0.1.
We recommend to use Collector from Esri for GIS application. We recommend to use Field Genius from MicroSurvey for survey application. If you have a specific software in mind, please contact us to confirm compatibility.