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Updated: Apr 25, 2024

FieldGenius has evolved into the most powerful and productive data collection software. What sets FieldGenius apart?

Code-free linework: Linework is created automatically without entering codes and is instantly displayed, eliminating the need for a separate sketch. No need to connect the dots back at the office.

The advanced display is standard on high-definition devices! with live graphics and an intuitive interface. Logical icons, customizable toolbars, smart objects and easy-to-use GPS and total station controls.

Productivity tasks: Customize your data collector by assigning commands to your keypad keys.

Calculating tools: Access the built-in RPN calculator from any edit field and easily use surveying calculations.

Plus: advanced roading, surfacing, slope staking, smart points, DXF & LandXML import/export and full robotic and GPS support. FieldGenius is the choice of organizations that value productivity.

Linework the FieldGenius way! MicroSurvey has developed the simplest linework connectivity in the industry. Absolutely NO CODING is required to generate your linework in the field in real-time.

Other data collection systems force you to predefine codes for generating linework!

MicroSurvey has made real-time linework as simple as connecting the dots. FieldGenius Linework is easier than any other data collection software! - Digital Terrain Modeling, Volumes, and Contouring FieldGenius can create and utilize DTM surfaces from existing survey data or create a DTM in real-time as the data is collected. The TIN and contours will automatically update as each new shot is taken.

Powerful Roading FieldGenius roading allows you to manually input or import your alignment data including centerline, vertical, and template data. Powerful alignment staking tools help you stake your points along your alignment with confidence.

Georeferenced Images Use georeferenced images and maps in the background for visual reference of your survey work.

Work faster and more efficiently in the field with these productivity enhancements.

Instrument Control at your Fingertips.

Total Station and GPS functions are available on a common and easy-to-use instrument toolbar. Access measure modes with the click of a button.

Powerful RPN Calculator.

FieldGenius includes an easy-to-use and intuitive RPN calculator. Quick access to the calculator from any edit field makes survey calculations and routines a breeze.

User Definable Shortcuts.

Increase your productivity by assigning frequently used commands to keys on your data collector.

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